
Welcome to Bioinspirada
where I share how I feel nature
from Science and Art, and where I explore Data Analytics as a tool to understand and communicate about our relationship with the environment.
As an inhabitant of this wonderful planet I have also received the call to make peace with the rest of nature. And science, art, and data analytics are primary tools in this endeavor. But they are not the only ones, because this is a challenge that calls for all disciplines and knowledges.
Bioinspirada is one of the ways in which I contribute to making visible the nature that surrounds us, the ideas that it offers us, and the relationships that we have with it.

Temperature in Colombia: Understanding Factors & Predictive Model Proposal
We retrieved and cleaned environmental, economic, and social data from the World Bank, FAO, IDEAM, and DANE; built a pipeline in Python and analyzed 29 years of data creating a model with an error of 13.06%; and presented results in a web application with interactive dashboards using Plotly visualizations.
Using Power BI to display TESLA’s value over the past decade.
Visualizing in Power BI the historical value of TESLA and the S&P 500 Index over 10 years.

- How Science and Art influence the creation of BioinspiradaIn September 2021 I shared in a science magazine what my experience…
- A parallel between the heads of high-speed trains and those of kingfishersThese two studies will shape the next post on the Bioinspirada blog. One deals with the performance of high-speed train heads and the other with the performance of kingfishers heads.

Pregnant Fish Swimming

Armored Fish in Motion

Elsa Magnolia Quicazán-Rubio
Hi, I am the creator of Bioinspirada. I hold a Masters and a PhD in Biology-Biomechanics, and Certifications in Data Science and Environmental Management.
I am also an Artist and a Content Creator.